EMC surge protection

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First of all let me say that I am a ME, not an EE, so please forgive my ignorance if I come across as such.
I have a product that is being tested by a testing agency. During the EMC portions of the tests, it failed one of the required tests, the surge or lightning simulation test. This test is conducted per IEC60001-4-5 with the following description:
1.2uS X 50uS is the surge pulse. The surges are +/-500V, +/-1000V and +/-2000V. Each voltage level and polarity are discharged 5 times each and at 0deg, 90deg, 180deg, 270deg of the AC waveform. Each discharge is 1 minute apart. These surges are applied to L1-GND and N-GND.
The product failed at 2KV test.
I am planning to add MOV to the product right where the input cord comes in. My question is should I just add the MOV between the L and N or add three MOVs L-N, L-E, and N-E? This product is rated 240vac @ 11A, 50/60 Hz. Also to note is that the product must also pass Hi-Pot test @ 1.44 Kvdc for 60 seconds.

In that case, it sounds like they have made the hi-pot and surge tests impossibe to satisfy simultaneously except my making the MOV to ground connection through a high enough voltage rated capacitor?
The L to N MOV alone is not likely to help with the surge test you describe.
In that case, it sounds like they have made the hi-pot and surge tests impossibe to satisfy simultaneously except my making the MOV to ground connection through a high enough voltage rated capacitor?
The L to N MOV alone is not likely to help with the surge test you describe.
What about using GDTs instead of MOVs or even a combination of the two? Connecting a MOV between L & N then adding GDT between L to E and N to E?
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