Emergency generator set

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Where an outdoor housed generator set for emergency systems is equipped with a readily accessible disconnecting means located within site of the building, an additional disconnecting means:
A) Is required at the building:
B) Is not required if the generator disconnecting means is suitable for use as service equipment.
C) Is required if the ungrounded conductors pass through the building.
D) Is not required for on-site fuel supplied prime movers.

I chose B)

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Semi-Retired Electrical Engineer
Thread closed. We don?t work this way. If you have a question, then ask a question. If you don?t know whether your choice was correct, then tell us where in the code you looked for an answer. Don?t just say, ?I chose XXX,? since that could just as easily be a random guess on your part.
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