We have a existing office building with existing (3) lamp 2x4 lighting. The space will now be used for a very special assembly occupancy (laser tag). Because the use is unique in the sense that the lights are supposed to be off normally, the local fire department wants the fire alarm system interlocked with the lighting such that when the fire alarm goes off, the lights go on. The budget on this project is minimal at best meaning that we would preferebly like to leave the lighting alone as much as possible. I don't think that we could leave the switches in place obviously so we will be bypassing them. Does anyone have a good idea on how to do this? If possible, we would like to have these lights double as emergency egress lighting by adding a emergency ballast. I'm thinking that the best solution would involve a dual switched ballast but the more I think about it I don't think that we can get away without adding a bunch of those little relay modules. Any other cheap ideas?