Emergency off button height

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New member
We just purchased a new 75 hp air compressor(delivered today) and I have a few concerns. The user interface is located 36" from the floor, and the emergency off button is 32" (right at hip level-at least MY hips). I feel this EMO is far to low,NOT even in plain view if near the tool, hopefully there is a NEC reg. to help me get this relocated by the factory.
Is there a code spec on this? The interface is probably not regulated but will be moved anyway.


Senior Member
Welcome to the forum.

To the best of my knowledge NFPA70 (NEC) is silent on the location of Estops.

Disclaimer: NFPA79 is only required if adopted locally by your company.
NFPA79 is the industrial machinery book and only states "... located as necessary for the given application."

This probably has to be taken up by your safety department to assess whether the location fulfills its purpose. Can the user reach it when trapped? Can a second operator find it quickly to assist? Estops are not to be used for normally shutting off a machine. Therefore the only time they are used is during an emergency or safety audit. A little lower than a normal pushbutton should be is therefore not considered an important concern compared to its function.

Interesting enough, the location of the operator interface at our site is regulated by Ergonomics to avoid repetitive strain injuries. This includes neck injuries from having to look up or down too far.


Senior Member
Eastern Oregon
You could just put up a sign "Emergency Shut-Off" for better visibility. We use them all the time for fuel pump e-stops.
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