Emergency power in same room

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Batteries Included
United States
1) Is it permitted to have article 517, life safety or legally required standby in the same switch gear as the main power?

2) Can an emergency generator be in the same room as the main switch gear?

3) Can ATS, emergency gear ect be in the same room as the main switch gear or MV transformer?

If not what year did these go into effect? And if not what NFPA article am I looking at in terms of fire protection? What other requirements?


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Nothing explicit on separation though.

There has to be something, I can't imagine the generator feeding into the same gear as the POCO.

maybe this ditty in the info note??:?

and is arranged to
provide mechanical and electrical separation so that a fault
between the facility and the generating sources is not likely to
cause an interruption of more than one of the facility service

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