I have seen variouis types of emergency system designs throughout the past several years and as I look at the different methods of distribution I am curious if there is a standard or method for designing emergency distribution in order to meet certian emergecny system requirements. For example, I have seen simple disigns that involve just a generator and ATS switches to more elaborate deisgns with multiple redundant ATS switches, tie breakers etc...
Is there a standard or design guide that dictates the design of emergency system design where the design may depend on the amount of redundancy required? Is a certain degree of redundancy required for certain types of facilities? I believe I have seen systems in the past that had stuff like N+1, etc... but I never really fully understood.
Is there a standard or design guide that dictates the design of emergency system design where the design may depend on the amount of redundancy required? Is a certain degree of redundancy required for certain types of facilities? I believe I have seen systems in the past that had stuff like N+1, etc... but I never really fully understood.