Emergency systems

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I'm having a problem getting my inspector to pass this a project I am working on, and I don't see in the code why I am being failed. We have a dimming control system feeding lights in a room, with a few of the lights being emergency. There is an emergency automatic transfer switch which is UL listed for emergency use, which turns on with the loss of power. The inspector is saying that all parts of the dimming system must be emergency rated, including control switches and dimming modules. Is this accurate?
I need a clearer description of the wiring. Does the emergency transfer switch provide its power to the emergency lights via the dimming panel? Or is there a separate emergency ballast within each light fixture, with that ballast being supplied from the transfer switch via wiring that is separate from the wiring from the dimming system?
The emergency fixtures are fed from an emergency panel which goes through the transfer switch first. The dimming system is normal power, with the lights in question being on normal power until the loss of power, then emergnecy power. The emergency power is not controling any normal power lights, nor is it controlling the dimming system.
The NEC allows wiring from the emergency source to enter the light fixture separately from the wiring from the normal source. I don't have the code book handy, so I can't cite the article. But if this is the type of installation you have, then I think the inspector is wrong.
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