EMF's and hauntings

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Senior Member
does anybody here have any reading material or experience with EMF's in peoples houses that claim to be haunted? we have a customer that had a paranormal team come in and they used an EMF meter and claim its ghosts. i think its miswired circuits

i only want serious responses this is a serious thread


Senior Member
well people can make there own thread making fun of this if they want but all i want is serious responses. the people have a kid that is completly terrified of a room upstairs and wont even go inside of it

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
well people can make there own thread making fun of this if they want but all i want is serious responses. the people have a kid that is completly terrified of a room upstairs and wont even go inside of it

Okay, I can't answer to the ghosts but I can tell you what to look for with high emf readings in the house.

First, if after a load the neutral and ground of a circuit are touching then you may experience unwanted emf's.

Second, if the ground and neutral are not run together then you may have high emf's. In this case it is usually a 3 way switch where the EC wire both 3 way jb with a feed and fed the switch from one end and use the neutral at the other end.

Third, look for multigang jb's where the neutrals from 2 circuits are joined together.

Also Karl Riley, a member here at MH, has written books on emf's. Here is a link to the book.


Senior Member
Have the family call the TAPS Ghost Hunter guys from RI, They respond to Hauntings especially if it involves children's safety. I have seen them use EMF meters on the TV show, and they do pickup bad circuitry.

You could rewire the room if it is suspect. Then check it after for EMF.



Senior Member
Have the family call the TAPS Ghost Hunter guys from RI, They respond to Hauntings especially if it involves children's safety. I have seen them use EMF meters on the TV show, and they do pickup bad circuitry.

You could rewire the room if it is suspect. Then check it after for EMF.


i seen them use it and they dont really know what they are talking about when it comes to EMF's im going to use my gaussmeter to find the problems


Senior Member
I have also seen them use the metering, They will sit or walk in a room in a house with the meter and you see on camera the meter blinking. It is probably picking up some sort of energy field that the meter can detect. If it is stray EMF or a Haunting that's up for discusion.


Senior Member
Ann Arbor, Michigan
090323-1641 EST

Do you know if the "ghost hunters" were measuring magnetic, electric, and or radiated fields?

If you can determine what they were measuring and can borrow a known good instrument, then run your own measurements and compare your measurements with known scientific limits for personal safety. Also try to determine what were the measurement levels found by the "ghost hunters".

I think I have been exposed to much higher RF levels than what most individuals have. When I was young I received radio diathermy treatments. These were probably about 100 to 1000 W transmitters in the 30 MHz range and were intended to warm the interior of the body. In the navy we had problems with our main battery fire control radar. The antenna array was for the forward 16" guns and was mounted on top of the conning tower. I setup my self made test system that I put a few feet in front of the antenna. I was up there using a scope to monitor the signal. This antenna use a motor driven spark gap switch to connect the transmitter output to one part of the array at a time. Found the problem to be water inside the switch mechanism. I was exposed to high power radiation in this case. People exposed to this type of radiation for long periods are known to have related problems. My time of exposure was not great, but the power level was high.

I believe if you take a fluorescent bulb and go below a high voltage transmission line that the bulb will light. I have never tried this. However, on numerous occasions I have demonstrated the illumination of a fluorescent lamp in front of an antenna connected to a 2 meter transmitter. With a 25 W 2 meter transmitter and a beam antenna I can be a number of feet away and it will illuminate. It is one way to provide a qualitative illustration of the beam shape. I doubt that you can go around any normal house carrying an unattached fluorescent bulb and have it light up. The lighting of a fluorescent lamp will be from an electric field below the power lines and not a magnetic field.

You might ask the home owner why there should be any correlation between an electric field and ghosts. But this probably would not have any effect on a person that was afraid of ghosts. If ghosts exist, then I believe they would be associated with some field of which we have no present knowledge of its existence, and this kind of field would probably not be limited by the speed of light.

It is easy to find moderate electric fields in my house, magnetic fields are very low, and RF is also low. The electric fields come from my fluorescent lamps.

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Senior Member
Ogdensburg, NY
Chris, ask the homeowner's to do some research on Psilocybin and Mescaline, and see if it pops up old memories. I think that would be a good place to start with these kind of folks.


Senior Member
Chris, ask the homeowner's to do some research on Psilocybin and Mescaline, and see if it pops up old memories. I think that would be a good place to start with these kind of folks.

well im sure the kid isnt doing shrooms to be terrified to go into a room. i do believe the theory of EMF's causing people to feel scared, watched etc. some people are sensitive to EMF's and that, the way i understand it is true


Senior Member
Ogdensburg, NY
well im sure the kid isnt doing shrooms to be terrified to go into a room. i do believe the theory of EMF's causing people to feel scared, watched etc. some people are sensitive to EMF's and that, the way i understand it is true

I'll give you your belief as I trust you as much as could be, but this kind of hogwash is witch tale. I could get into this much deeper, but it would get closed. Other than this superstition, what kind of customers are these Chris?

Let me get my Holy Water,...................

Chris, you know by all means I am just kidding with you, but these kind of customers are wacko.

Take good care Chris, and write me:wink:


Senior Member
San Francisco bay area
Fire Alarm Technician
090323-1641 EST

I think I have been exposed to much higher RF levels than what most individuals have. When I was young I received radio diathermy treatments. These were probably about 100 to 1000 W transmitters in the 30 MHz range and were intended to warm the interior of the body. In the navy we had problems with our main battery fire control radar. The antenna array was for the forward 16" guns and was mounted on top of the conning tower. I setup my self made test system that I put a few feet in front of the antenna. I was up there using a scope to monitor the signal. This antenna use a motor driven spark gap switch to connect the transmitter output to one part of the array at a time. Found the problem to be water inside the switch mechanism. I was exposed to high power radiation in this case. People exposed to this type of radiation for long periods are known to have related problems. My time of exposure was not great, but the power level was high. .

I once worked at a facility (essentially an inflatable building) where the military's AWACS radar were brought for servicing/calibration. On one occasion a mistake was made in the power feeding the radar transmitter; the inflatable building catching fire was the first clue that something was wrong.

You might ask the home owner why there should be any correlation between an electric field and ghosts. But this probably would not have any effect on a person that was afraid of ghosts. If ghosts exist, then I believe they would be associated with some field of which we have no present knowledge of its existence, and this kind of field would probably not be limited by the speed of light. .

Are you referring to a tachyon field?

It is easy to find moderate electric fields in my house, magnetic fields are very low, and RF is also low. The electric fields come from my fluorescent lamps. .

If you have a gaussmeter handy, see if you have a high reading coming from your cable box. Then disconnect the box, and see what the reading is coming directly from the bare coaxial cable.


Master Electrician Electric Contractor Richmond VA
Henrico County, VA
Electrical Contractor
i do believe the theory of EMF's causing people to feel scared, watched etc. some people are sensitive to EMF's and that, the way i understand it is true
It's easy enough to de-energize the house and see if the oogie feelings are still present. Maybe even during the day so the 'control' child doesn't know.

This is not that different from any other kind of troubleshooting.


Senior Member
Ann Arbor, Michigan
090324-0809 EST


Your reference appears to be well written and contains much useful information.

Most likely and unfortunately a non-scientific person would ignore or dispute this data.


I was not referring to anything known or suspected. Just philosophically that one can conjecture about the existence of things that we do not now know exist.

I do not have a cable box and my coil for gauss measurements has enough capacitance that its resonant frequency is way below TV broadcast frequencies.



Senior Member
We have 20+ houses on 1 street with lots of these 60 hz. magnetic field ghosts.
The problem was bad utility transformer aerial feeder neutral connections.As a result neutral current was flowing on all the interconnected copper waterpipes in all these houses.
With the utility problem fixed all these "GHOSTS" vanished.:smile:


Senior Member
We have 20+ houses on 1 street with lots of these 60 hz. magnetic field ghosts.
The problem was bad utility transformer aerial feeder neutral connections.As a result neutral current was flowing on all the interconnected copper waterpipes in all these houses.
With the utility problem fixed all these "GHOSTS" vanished.:smile:

that can be a possibility too. emf's appear when there is a net current.


090324-0809 EST


Your reference appears to be well written and contains much useful information.

Most likely and unfortunately a non-scientific person would ignore or dispute this data.


I was not referring to anything known or suspected. Just philosophically that one can conjecture about the existence of things that we do not now know exist.

I do not have a cable box and my coil for gauss measurements has enough capacitance that its resonant frequency is way below TV broadcast frequencies.


People wiil tend to believe what they want to believe. I could go into someone's house and tell them that their ghost problem is because all the grounds on their plugs are upside down. Then change them all....and wala the ghosts are gone and the customer is happy.:grin:


Senior Member

Maybe the next step is to pull out the IR camera. However, don't do what the "ghost hunters" do and subscribe to the idea that the IR can see an entity walking by on the other side of a window. They did this in one episode and failing to realize that IRs can't see through any surface including those that are transparent.


Senior Member
Michigan. It's a beautiful peninsula, I've looked
we have a customer that had a paranormal team come in and they used an EMF meter and claim its ghosts.

In today's world I doubt that there is anywhere there will be no EMF readings.

Just wait until the peak of the next solar cycle! (Which will happen in 2012, you know, the year the world will end.)

Seriously, if your customer wants someone to ID EMF sources and you don't have the experience or the equipment to do it you should pass on this one.
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