Employee Discount

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Are you running a hardware store that your employee is shopping at?

I don't think I would give any substantial discount to an employee's spouse, whatever that might even look like. If you were talking about a business owner who's going to be looking for repeated service, all you do is commit yourself to working cheaper on an ongoing basis.

For what it's worth, I work with a builder to whom I give a 15% discount. But not just because I like him. He manages his jobs in such a way that I spent 30% less time doing his work then the others I work for.
In general employee discounts would not extend to the employee spouses business, business expenses are deductible for the business. I might however consider giving time to pay in full that I wouldn't otherwise give if they needed it. Or might not put full mark up on materials for the spouses business if I liked the employee, and they needed the help.
I’d help some one throw a service
Up on their home after a storm I would give them my labor as a friend just on GP but they are Covering the material cost
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