employee training

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I'm looking into starting an educational assistance program. I want to make a list of acceptable classes and seminars but I cant seem to find many that specialize in electricians and not electronics or test prep. We are in New York and New Jersey. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks in advance.
anthony001 said:
I'm looking into starting an educational assistance program. I want to make a list of acceptable classes and seminars but I cant seem to find many that specialize in electricians and not electronics or test prep. We are in New York and New Jersey. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks in advance.

What do you want to know.....Have knowledge will travel.
anthony001 said:
I'm looking into starting an educational assistance program. I want to make a list of acceptable classes and seminars but I cant seem to find many that specialize in electricians and not electronics or test prep. We are in New York and New Jersey. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks in advance.

  • Local IAEI Chapter(s)
  • 2-year colleges
  • Technical schools
  • NYS Codes Division, Training Department (518 474-4073)
  • Local electrical trade unions
  • State Ed.
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