emt conduit bending

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I have to make multiple bends in one length of emt conduit. I don't know which bend to start with: the 4-point saddle in the middle or the stub-ups at the ends. Both stub-ups will go into a box. Also, when connecting conduit lengths together, do you always start with the first bend that you run into from the connection having to make multiple bends in this section as well? I am a beginner and in school and have been taught the bends but not how to put them together. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you, Daniel
Consider the exercise you are going to perform. Make a visual picture of the conduit in your mind and consider what the effect would be if you bend the stub ups first and then bend the 4 point saddle. Then picture the conduit if you bend the saddle first and then bend the stub ups. I think if you do this, you will arrive at the correct sequence of bends. :thumbsup:

Remember the golden rule. Make it easy on yourself. Think about the bend, before, you make the bend. It saves on waisted conduit and aggravation. :D
Instruction will teach you about gain, shrink, deduct, and developed length to determine bend marks over the entire length of a straight stick.

Experience will teach you that it's usually easier and more accurate to make a bend or two then measure from there for the next bend.
RE: emt conduit bending

Both the replyies were excellent.
I like to visulize the run then bend what is nessary to get there. After a few hundred feet you'll become proficient in doing it.
BUT ALWAYS remember the guy who has to pull the wire. Make the bends as few as possible and when in doubt put in a box. This way your job is easier and the other guy is happy you did. The code is the minumim requirements. You can always do less bends or more boxes. Long runs can be the hardest to do with bends at either end.
Oh, and with EMT you can always cut it off and put a coupling in when nessary. :ashamed1:

Make it aesthetically pleasing so it blends in and goes with the contours of the surface your running on.

Keep practicing!
Just your time and verify measurements... When I was in school we used GRC to get the point across. We calculated all measurements, then cut, threaded, and bent. What got most people was forgetting to add the one inch to each end for connection to the enclosures.

Good luck:cry:

I have to make multiple bends in one length of emt conduit. I don't know which bend to start with: the 4-point saddle in the middle or the stub-ups at the ends. Both stub-ups will go into a box. Also, when connecting conduit lengths together, do you always start with the first bend that you run into from the connection having to make multiple bends in this section as well? I am a beginner and in school and have been taught the bends but not how to put them together. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you, Daniel
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