EMT outdoors

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Do any of you guys use EMT outdoors?
I am installing an 800A service with the meter and switch outside.
20' of the EMT is run outside over the switch before it pops into the building and runs inside the building to the service room for about 150'.
I have compression fittings for the conduit.
I don't like EMT outdoors. It's only 20', so why not use RMC out and EMT in?
I've run EMT outdoors, but it doesn't exactly give me warm fuzzies. Go look at some exterior EMT in 5 years and it looks like crap. I'd sorta like my visible work to stand as a testament to my skill and workmanship. That's hard to do with exposed exterior EMT.
kbrandt said:
We do EMT outside above ground all the time.With compression fittings.Check your local code to be sure.

I notice you are from Arizona, I have never been there I imagine it as a dry climate with fairly consistent temps? :smile:

Here in New England we get rain, snow, cold, heat, humidity and near the coast salty air.

I find EMT rusted and rotted through when used outdoors. I went back to a roof top job that one of the other guys had used 3/4" EMT exposed on a roof after just two years it had a large patches of rust.

If left to me it's RMC outside.
My understandg is that EMT, IMC, and RMC all have the same thickness of galvinization to prevent rust. Thus they will all begin rusting at the same point in time, the only difference is that the thicker pipe will take longer to rust through. This may not be true, but it is what I have been taught. I have checked a couple of manufacturers websites and cannot find a specification for the thickness of the galvanized coating, however the descripion of the coating for all three types reads the same. The other thing to remember is that all weathertight EMT Fiitings were de-listed a few years ago, so only the newer EMT fittings are listed for use in wet locations. I believe the new fittings have a gold or bronze finish. It is my understanding that standard compression fittings are no longer suitable for exterior use.
Iwire- your correct the climate here in arizona is pretty nice.A cold day here is in the 40's or 50's and as far as rain and snow,well we had 12 inches of rain last year.So unless emt touches the dirt (rock more like it) we don't have much of a problem.No such thing as a white christmas here.
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