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Senior Member
If you had to do a material and labor % reduction going from 3/4" EMT to 12/2 MC very rough what would it be.

I know this is not an easy off the top of the head as need to know circuits in each conduit, sharing neutrals etc.

I'm just talking a down and dirty quick #.
We have a local code that prohibits the use of MC for some occupancies.
An out of area engineer designed a project using MC. When we told them no at plan review, the job had already been bid out.
The engineer came to the city electrical commission and asked for a variance and complaining about the excessive cost differences between our required EMT and their design of MC. We told them to have their EC rebid using MC and we might think about a variance. They came back with a new price from their EC that was less than a 10% increase over the MC. We denied the variance.
Are you doing it to lower your cost or the customer's price?
Just an actual /real delta
I bid a job using emt and we’re able to do it mc cable now for all power and lighting . Wondering how much of a savings it’s going to be for us. I understand ..”don’t worry” your ahead of the game no matter what if you don’t have to give a credit . Again, Just want to know about much could expect to save
I would thing the EMT is slower to install, but faster to terminate.

You can compare the material difference but must guesstimate the labor difference.
After the 2nd circuit I think it is faster to run 3/4. Drilling holes, landing grounds, and labeling cables for every circuit is time consuming. The only place I run more than 2 cables is in a hard lid where I can't set a box.
The last job I bid that I tried to offer an MC VE on came out as a wash. The higher cost of MC offset any labor savings. That was maybe 4-5/mo ago.

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