End Devices in Class 1 Div 1 & 2 areas

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Can you use a Class 1 Div 1 device in a Class 1 Div 2 area or the reverse
Yes (1st question), maybe but probably not (2nd question). To be used in a Class I, Div 1 location, the equipment must be listed for a Class I, Div 1 location . . . period. Class is important from the standpoint that Class I equipment is not Permitted to be used in Class II areas unless listed for those areas. The same applies to Class II equipment in a Class I area (this would be intuitive). As far a Div 2 listing being used in a Div 1 area, this is not acceptable unless the equipment is listed for the Div 1 area also.

You have not mentioned the Group for this question. I assume Group is the same in either case. :)
To further the first answer provided by Charlie, see NFPA 70, 2008 edition, section 500.8(A)(2).

What I often see is a document that indicates the equipment is suitable for
"Class I, Groups A, B, C, and D", where they omit the "Division". Generally this implies that the equipment is good for both Division 1 and 2. I would however recommend confirming this with the equipments NRTL certificate.

I'm working on a project at the moment where the equipment has the following ratings:
-Class I, Division 1, Groups B, C, and D, Temp (T4)
-Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D, Temp (T4)

This is specifiably stated on the manufactures certificate and has been confirmed against the NTRL Certificate.

As far as installing Class I, Division 2 equipment in a Division 1 location, I've only done so using a purged enclosure per NFPA 496.

Can you use a Class 1 Div 1 device in a Class 1 Div 2 area or the reverse

yes, and sometimes yes.

You could conceivably use a device rated for div 2 in a div 1 area, if it was protected by other means such as being inside an XP enclsoure, part of an IS circuit, or in a purged/pressurized panel.

I once had a long and very confusing discussion with a seal manufacturer about whether it was Ok to use a cord grip rated for div 2 to protect a cord coming out of a seal in a div 1 area. He convinced me it was Ok after a long chat. To this day I am not completely convinced.
Class 1 Div 1 & 2 areas

Class 1 Div 1 & 2 areas

Thanks for the information, I am very new to Hazardous locations. Most of the devices I run across have been in service for 10-15 years some of the locations have been reclassified due to modification & automation this has made it difficult useually a device is replaced with a device of the same rateing,once again thanks for the info.
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