To further the first answer provided by Charlie, see NFPA 70, 2008 edition, section 500.8(A)(2).
What I often see is a document that indicates the equipment is suitable for
"Class I, Groups A, B, C, and D", where they omit the "Division". Generally this implies that the equipment is good for both Division 1 and 2. I would however recommend confirming this with the equipments NRTL certificate.
I'm working on a project at the moment where the equipment has the following ratings:
-Class I, Division 1, Groups B, C, and D, Temp (T4)
-Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D, Temp (T4)
This is specifiably stated on the manufactures certificate and has been confirmed against the NTRL Certificate.
As far as installing Class I, Division 2 equipment in a Division 1 location, I've only done so using a purged enclosure per NFPA 496.