First, you'll need to find a school that's accredited through ABET. Be sure that the program you want is accredited through ABET; not all programs at an ABET school may be accredited through ABET.
Next, you'll need to discuss with the admissions folks the kind of program (power, electronics, etc.) you want to pursue and then see how much of your work experience they'll let you use for credit.
Following that, or sometime before, you need to decide if you're going full time or part time/nights. If you don't have credits to transfer from community college, there will be a lot of physics, chemistry, economics, etc. that will be part of your curriculum.
If I may ask, why are you considering a career switch? Engineering is not necessarily a step up. Depending on your location, you can probably make a lot more money as a sparky given your experience than as a newly minted BE. That said, there is no doubt that with your field experience you will be a kick-ass designer.
Is it your intention to eventually get your PE?