Re: Engineering Services
Wayne: Drafting is not a design activity. It is a necessary facet of the design process, but the drafter?s only role is to create a drawing that contains the information that the engineer wants the drawing to contain. It is no different that the role of a typist who creates a clean and neat document from information that is hand-written or dictated by someone else.
Bob (Iwire): I understand your comment, and I have to admit that it is sometimes hard to draw a line. But an engineer is not required to come with ideas without any outside help. Nor is an engineer is forbidden to use design concepts ? even completed design details ? that were developed by someone else. In your example, the beginning of the design process was separated from the end of the design process by an extremely short period of time. Let?s look at the other extreme, and perhaps we can make it make sense. Suppose a person who does not have the PE license performs a complex design that took 6 months to complete. Suppose the completed documents are then presented, for the first time, to a licensed PE, with a request that the PE review and seal the documents. Finally, suppose the PE finds several things that he would have done differently. I don?t mean that he finds errors or code violations, but rather finds ways in which the design could have been significantly improved. The design complies with code, but not with "prudent engineering practice." If the PE had been aware of the original designer?s intended means and methods early in the design process, he could have requested (or even demanded) that changes be made. But now, if he rejects the design, the installation might be held up for months. The PE would be in an undesirable position: he must decide whether to let ?prudent engineering practice? take a back seat to time and money issues. The engineer?s fundamental duty to safeguard the health and safety of the public should never be challenged in this way.
I think that Steve66 covered the topic nicely. I like the way he described the role of the engineer. As to ?construction observation,? an engineer can be hired to take on that role. But it is not a design activity. It does not produce design documents to be used for future installation work. Therefore, it does not require the application of the engineer?s seal.
[ November 24, 2003, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: charlie b ]