Enthusiastic Continuing Education Instructor?

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Senior Member

Does someone on this forum know of a good in-person continuing education instructor in North Carolina? I would imagine that there would be a lot of inspectors giving the in-person courses informally. Can you think of any who really bring some enthusiasm into the class room? Would I be better off looking to some of the bigger instructors for that much needed enthusiasm? Or would an instructor who is also an active electrical contractor be best? I have tried all 3 - types: bigger, full time instructor courses, small inspector led courses and active electrical contractor led courses. None of them bring enthusiasm to the classroom. In his early years the awesome instructor Jeff Rodriquez (RIP) with JCR Code Productions was very enthusiastic.
I suppose Mike Holt's course would be the holy grail of all courses but is it worth the expense of travel?
Thanks for the help. If you do not want to be on record promoting or un-promoting an instructor feel free to message me.

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