Entry way; hallway or not?

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New member
I have been tasked by the Residential Chief Inspector to gather a consensus on any codes dealing with receptacle requirements for residential entry ways. Are they to follow the requirements of a hallway, or the two feet or greater usable wall space rule? Thanks for your help.
If it doesn't have room for, and is clearly not intended for, placing a comfortable chair and a reading lamp, along with a side table on which to place the notebook computer, then it will not need a receptacle for anything other than a vacuum cleaner. That places it under the hallway rules.
I am with Charlie.

May I add if you can call it a hallway do so.

Let's not make building a home any harder that it already is.

Here is how Ohio handles this:
"101.3 Intent.

1. Performance. Establish such requirements, in terms of performance objectives for the use intended. Further, the rules shall consider the following:
1.1. The impact that the state residential building code may have upon the health, safety and welfare of the public;
1.2. The economic reasonableness of the residential building code;
1.3. The technical feasibility of the residential building code; and
1.4. The financial impact that the residential building code may have on the public?s ability to purchase affordable housing."

IMHO this means use common sense.
Here we have always considered it a hallway unless it was designed as an occupiable space.

So have I but it appears that in the 2011 a "foyer" will be added to 210.52.

Here is the ROP;

2-223 Log #2962 NEC-P02 Final Action: Accept in Principle
Submitter: Joseph Whitt, JW Electric
Recommendation: New text:
210.52(A) General Provisions. In every kitchen, family room, dining room,
living room, parlor, library, den, sunroom, bedroom, recreation room, foyer, or
similar room or area of dwelling units, receptacle outlets shall be installed in
accordance with the general provisions specified in 210.52(A)(1) through (A)
Substantiation: Today?s homes are being built with larger foyers some being
as large as other rooms in the dwelling. As the code now stands, this area will
be considered a hall which would require only one receptacle if it is more than
ten feet in one direction no matter the other direction. With the addition of
foyers to 210.52(A) it will reduce the possibilities of a homeowner running
extension cords under rugs and through doorways of the foyer to power table
lamps and other appliances.
Panel Meeting Action: Accept in Principle
The panel does not Accept the insertion of the word ?foyer? as recommended
in the proposal. Instead, the panel has created a new section (I) to read as
?(I) Foyers. Foyers that have an area that is greater than 60 ft2 shall have a
receptacle(s) located in each wall space as defined in 210.52 (A)(2)(1).?
Panel Statement: The panel has added a new subdivision ?(I) Foyers? for
clarity. The panel has also added a minimum area requirement to this section to
exempt smaller foyers that typically do not have the space to facilitate home
furnishings and electrical equipment.
Number Eligible to Vote: 12
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 10 Negative: 2

So if the "Foyer" is greater than 60 square feet it needs receptacles installed in accordance with 210.52(A)(2)(1).

So have I but it appears that in the 2011 a "foyer" will be added to 210.52.

Here is the ROP;

So if the "Foyer" is greater than 60 square feet it needs receptacles installed in accordance with 210.52(A)(2)(1).


That I agree with.

IMHO if you can place a table there, without getting into the walking space, then a recpt. is required.

My passed experience is that the recpt.(required) for the hallway is usually placed in that location.
So have I but it appears that in the 2011 a "foyer" will be added to 210.52.

Here is the ROP;

So if the "Foyer" is greater than 60 square feet it needs receptacles installed in accordance with 210.52(A)(2)(1).

I remembered reading that one and was also going to mention it... However - reguardless of what it is called on the plans - IMO the AHJ can and should make the call. For instance - a job I had a while back had a hallway/enrty that was 1300 sq' - just a little bigger than my house.... The inspector just laughed - his take on it was irrespective of what the architect was 'calling' it - the owners or subsequent owners may use it differently.
Any of you ever get the feeling that we're playing "Cops and Robbers" here? They make a code, we comply...we find a loophole, they close it up, etc...
Any of you ever get the feeling that we're playing "Cops and Robbers" here? They make a code, we comply...we find a loophole, they close it up, etc...
Yep and untill it hits the code they can't do nothing. I don't care if monday morning it kicks in. Only thing that counts is what is legal right now and this aint no room.Has nothing to do with what think might happen. Have seen bed rooms that if been called a hall would not need receptacles. I don't write the code i just use it to go as far as i can push it. I enjoy bending and twisting. Being an electrician is a sport sure ain't a living.
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