environment involving stainless steel

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Senior Member
york pa usa
Hi all haven't been here for awhile anywho hope all is good

I have an installation where there will be waste water treatment equipment with an open water tank and also a processing equipment with 2 50 hp motors that circulate clean hot water. There is also a domestic cold water line and a 2 inch steam line in the same room. The room is 15x50 and 9 ft high. My question is should any electrical equipment I add be stainless (4x) or can I go by what each manufacture installed. For instance the waste water equip has a painted hinged cover enclosure on their equip. for electric, but the rest of the equip. is stainless, again the power wash station/table is stainless but non stainless control panel. The CAP system is completely stainless, with a 4x control panel, this is the water processing equipment with the 50 hp motors. The motors are not stainless but the entire equipment is. They are placing an air compressor in the room which is not stainless. I am to put my equipment panel in this room which is 277/480 225 amp. Should I question the use of stainless. I was already assured its not corrosive by the waste treatment equipment company, and confirmed the area is not a wet environment but may be damp, however I was told the steam line creates steam in the room.

Thoughts thanx in advance
It would appear to me that what you have is a design decision.

I would point out there is not a whole lot of difference cost wise between a Hoffman Concept box that is painted and one that is made of 304 SS. Depending on size it may be less than the amount of money you already spent worrying about it.
yea your prob right im installing a surface mount mh55 with cover. theres no splashing or driven water to hit the panel. I wil use seal rings on the top for condensation. I was just curious as to why everything else was stainless and enclosed

The requirement for stainless may be determined based on type of waste. If it's just "water" then a Type 12 should suffice. If there's some sort of chemical component then a 4X may be needed.
Question about stainless steel

Question about stainless steel

I install Industrial lift stations and our Junction boxes are all stainless steel. And our main control panel as well is stainless. All conduit entering into these are threaded Rigid painted silver with Rust-Oleum. And 18 inches above grade at least. All conduit below that us schedule 40. The reason behind the stainless steel is the different classifications. Example Class l division l group D is what our engineers use when designing these stations.
I install Industrial lift stations and our Junction boxes are all stainless steel. And our main control panel as well is stainless. All conduit entering into these are threaded Rigid painted silver with Rust-Oleum. And 18 inches above grade at least. All conduit below that us schedule 40. The reason behind the stainless steel is the different classifications. Example Class l division l group D is what our engineers use when designing these stations.

Just because you have a stainless enclosure is not enough in itself to be rated for class I division I, the fact it is stainless does mean it has different corrosion resistance characteristics then same thing made from mild steel.
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