EPB for splash pad

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Senior Member
Raeford, NC
I am doing a job where a contractor is building a "splash pad" for the county parks and recreation dept. This is a concrete pad with mushrooms, fire hydrants and rings that spray water for kids to play in. The pad will not hold water and has a drain/recirculation system. Not sure what article this would fall under.
The pumps are located about 100 ft away in a building. I installed the EPB under the concrete and bonded all of the devises with # 8 and ran back to the building where the pumps are located. The pool contractor has installed the 4 pumps, timers and relays for the spray devises. It is now up to me to run the branch circuits from the 4 GFCI breakers I have in the panel and connect to the relays.
The pump motors are double insulated but have a separate ground lug on the out side. The wiring to the pumps have a separate EGC ran with the branch circuits.
I plan on installing a ground bar on the wall and connect the EPB wire to the bar. My question is by art.680.26 (B)(6)(a) states that a connection for a replacement pump shall extend from the bonding grid to an accessible location in the vicinity. Would this suffice or do I need to run separate #8's to each pump? Also do I need to run a bonding conductor from this bar back to the main panel and bond?
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