EPO for telphone PBX

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rick hart

Senior Member
Dallas Texas
I know Information Technology rooms need and Emergency Power Off. What about telephone switch rooms? I cannot find a requirement in Art 800 for an EPO. Any thoughts on the best place to put one if the customer wants one anyway- battery disconnect, rectifier, inverter, under floor power receptacles?


Senior Member
Re: EPO for telphone PBX

An IT Room doesn't require an EPO. Although if you choose to use the leniencies provided by a couple of paragraphs in 645 (which are almost always not worth it), then you need an EPO.
If you choose to install an EPO anyway, even if you don't use the leniencies provided by a couple of paragraphs in 645, just follow the information in 645.10.
But why do you want to take on that additional liability of shutting down the whole place in the event that the janitor thinks that nice red button under the protective cover is the light switch?

rick hart

Senior Member
Dallas Texas
Re: EPO for telphone PBX

But why do you want to take on that additional liability of shutting down the whole place in the event that the janitor thinks that nice red button under the protective cover is the light switch?
I don't but there is a panicing IT person due for a certification that thinks it is required. You know how it is: someone understands a little bit of something and carries to something different and makes noises that "this is required by headquarters".
EPO's have given nothing but the blues.


Senior Member
Northern illinois
Re: EPO for telphone PBX

Years ago I worked as as a guard while going to school. The data center had a big red button for power off.

It had a time delay from the time you pushed it in until power was actually shut off.

The reset button was in a locked closet about 50 feet from the guard desk.

The standing instructions were that if the alarm ever went off, we were to go reset the trip before power ever got shut off, and than investigate and retrip it if warranted.


Senior Member
Right here.
Re: EPO for telphone PBX

Originally posted by petersonra:
The standing instructions were that if the alarm ever went off, we were to go reset the trip before power ever got shut off, and than investigate and retrip it if warranted.
That reminds me of a facility that I am famaliar with the calls the fire department immediately after the fire alarm goes off and tells them, "sorry, false alarm" before they ever know for sure why it's sounding.
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