One method our company uses to bond all the interior metal piping in a dwelling unit as stipulated in 250.104 is to size the GEC to the water pipe entering the dwelling per 250.66. We then extend this to the hot water pipe. My problem is that the AHJ says that the equipment bonding jumpers must be added together to size the proper GEC. For example if I had 4 metal interior pipes and I bonded them using 250.l22 which is probably going to be a 12AWG because the circuit most likely to engergize the piping would be a 20A CB, the AHJ wants us to add the total cmil area of the bonding jumpers and add that to find the required GEC. He says he got this method from a grounding seminar. I know and can prove that this is not required by the NEC or the IRC but I just wanted some feedback before I go before the city council if it comes to that.
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance