Equipment grounding conductor

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Senior Member
I have found several places in the NEC where it states that EGCs can be insulated or bare except as stated elsewhere in the code. When is it required to be one or the other. If I'm running an underground feed on a seperately derived system, can my EGC be buried and not insulated? Can I bury armored 4/C cable and use the armor as an EGC?

Thanks in advance
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Yes an EGC can be bare if copper, but not for swimming pool or similar and mobile homes (except in WA state its OK on mobile homes)
What type of armored cable? MC or AC or MC AP?
I've looked at the cable but I cant find any indicator as to its type. This was purchased before I got here on sight. I'm trying to get the low voltage installations here up tp code becuase it was all but neglected before I got here. Am I right that it's type MC that can be buried. So far all I've designated on my Bill of materials is cable rated for direct burial. I would like to be more specific. We are running underground services from both pad mounted transformers and in some cases generators (seperately derived systems).
In order to be direct buried, it must be identified for such use. This marking would be found on the marker tape under the armor.

mikehughes8 said:
...and use the armor as an EGC?
In order for the armor (assuming this is interlocked armor type MC) to be suitable for grounding, it would need a full-sized , bare aluminum grounding/bonding conductor under the armor and in direct contact with it.
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