I know working backwards from the load until I see the first disconnect device is my Branch Circuit. But what about the branch loads within the equipment?
For example, I have two refrigeration compressors and a heater load all contained within the same piece of equipment. I know the compressors are both on separate branches and have there on OCPD. The same for the Heater, it is on its own branch protected by its own OCPD.
The equipment as a hole also has a line of site fused disconnect. So working back from the load, if I consider the equipment as a hole to be the load, then the feeder is everything from the line of sight disconnect to the equipment. I get confused when I consider the branches within the equipment. Since inside the equipment I break out into different branches, would I have to consider from the load to the line of site disconnect to be a feeder?
For example, I have two refrigeration compressors and a heater load all contained within the same piece of equipment. I know the compressors are both on separate branches and have there on OCPD. The same for the Heater, it is on its own branch protected by its own OCPD.
The equipment as a hole also has a line of site fused disconnect. So working back from the load, if I consider the equipment as a hole to be the load, then the feeder is everything from the line of sight disconnect to the equipment. I get confused when I consider the branches within the equipment. Since inside the equipment I break out into different branches, would I have to consider from the load to the line of site disconnect to be a feeder?