Equipment Shock

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Can anyone help with the following:

Client say's he has equipment from three phase power transformer. No XO neutral tap as determined from our electrican.

I assume then he has a ungrounded Delta system common to some industrial applications. Employees are experincing shock operationg the equipment.

Any suggestions on what to look for prior to a jobsite visit. Not such other information to provide at this time.
Whatever else proves to be true about the type of system or how it is wired, you can be certain that there is some point in the system at which a live wire is in contact with an external metal part. Finding that point should be the focus of your site visit.

The first thing I would ask, even before I went to the site, is this: "What changed recently?" I presume that this is not a brand new facility, and that the system had worked normally for some time. So what happened recently? Was a new motor installed? A circuit breaker discovered to have tripped? A component repaired? Some large object accidently dropped? A fire or flooding incident? A routine maintenance inspection? Dig deeply and aggressively along these lines, and you will have your best chance of finding the problem.

The second thing I would ask is this: "Do the shock experiences happen any time anyone touches anything, or do they only happen when certain equipment is touched at certain times of the day?" If for example, you can discover that the only time anyone gets shocked is when welding is taking place (or when a particular motor is running, or when a particular conveyor belt is temporarily stopped, or when everyone is on the lunch break and the microwave is running full time), you may be able to use this information to help isolate the problem.

And oh by the way, touch nothing, until you know it is safe to touch.
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