Estimate the Project Panel board quantity

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For large industrial plant extended over a large area in which there are typically several electrical rooms, How to decide the number of panel boards for the lighting and small power services?

My understanding:
1. Breakdown the plant area/Electrical Room as per the layout.
2. Make the lighting calculation / socket requirements for the particular plant area / room.
3. Determine the number of fixtures/sockets to be connected in one circuit.
4. Determine the number of ways for each panel board considering the number of circuits (limit the voltage drop & balance the loads).

Is this the way you approach you it? Thanks!
I'm not sure I understand your question, but I prefer locating feeders and panels to keep individual circuit home runs short.

Yes, you work from the lighting requirements upstream, determine number of lights per circuit, number of circuits needed.

Sometimes, the layout makes it less efficient to fully load each circuit, but instead go for symmetrical loading and grouping.
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