estimating classes

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Senior Member
Has anybody heard of any companies that offer electrical estimating seminars or classes? I was talking to a fella that works for another company, and he was saying that one of his foreman just got back from an estimating school?? It would love to find out. I have been a production worker for many, many years, and it would seem that I am a great production guy, but am always struggle with the labor hour units.
Re: estimating classes

Mike holts estimating vidio and book is worth the money only if you can teach yourself.classes are somtimes over rated. it depends on the instructor. i have learned alot from mikes book. I would like to know more about Flate Rate priceing.I dont' think thats in his books. hope this helps some.
Re: estimating classes

newgirl1 ..... Whats the address of the American Society of Profesional Estimators on the net . Labor units are my downfall also. (or I tend to think so) :roll:

Thanks, Mike
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