estimating electrical utilities

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I recently got a bid invitation to bid a power and phone utility job. Doe anyone knows how many feet on an average a back hoe operator digs per hour/per day on a very rocky site were fill sand will be neded, the trench is a 18"/36". Secondly do I add any labor for the digging part even though no electricians are really needed for the digging? Am using EBM electrical software and does the takeoff in feet dug per hr. It will really help if I can get some insight


Senior Member
You need good actuals data of various conditions, soil is just one, is the trench in an open non developed area, or in a busy city street? nothing like someone with years of experience in construction estimating, not everything is on the web, or packaged in a neet program.


Senior Member
hardworkingstiff said:
If you are using a sub, why not call and ask the sub?


I always add labor to the digging part. Your man will be spending time on layout with the sub and shooting the breeze to some extent so the labor to lay the pipe only may not be sufficient.

Mark Marshall

Tulsa, Ok
Backhoe Labor

Backhoe Labor

nothing like someone with years of experience in construction estimating, not everything is on the web, or packaged in a neet program.

I Agree, but if he doesn't have a sub and he needs a starting point, Turtlesoft's labor hours are just that.



Senior Member
"very rocky site" isn't descriptive enough. there's rock, there's boulders, there's huge boulders, buried granite mountains, etc etc. There's no telling if a backhoe will dig it, if you will need jackhammers, hoe rams, drilling or blasting. We use disclaimer for any rock , obstructions, unknown or unmarked utilities, removal or relocation of any unknown items, and give an estimate based on best guess of time it will take to excavate, and a t&m price if it goes over that. good luck


Senior Member
bbaumer said:

I always add labor to the digging part. Your man will be spending time on layout with the sub and shooting the breeze to some extent so the labor to lay the pipe only may not be sufficient.
The construction sub doing the trench work, should give you a firm price, and work with the plans you supply, anyone shooting the breeze, should not be on the site, with heavy equipment moving around.


Senior Member
nakulak said:
"very rocky site" isn't descriptive enough. there's rock, there's boulders, there's huge boulders, buried granite mountains, etc etc. There's no telling if a backhoe will dig it good luck

Ya funny, we had to remove a small ledge, nothing some explosives, and a month of work could not take care of.
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