estimating program small residential company

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Senior Member
New England
For a small residential electrical company would a estimating program be recommended.
This company annually bids about $10,000 to $17,000.

Any feedback would be appreciated.
Thanks JJ.

I stayed home on the 17th...

...Sunday was fun.
After church, we (me, Mrs. and two young 'uns) went to our town's parade (no point in competeing with NYC)...then over the hills and far away to Grandma (and Grandpa's) house. Mom is "fresh off the boat" from the Emerald Isle ...if 50 years ago is still "fresh" :D

We ate Corned Beef and Cabbage. I listened to bagpipe songs with my Son, he is only fourteen months. Scotland the Brave, Danny Boy, Amazing Grace to name a few.

Justin J. Walecka
kjfelec said:
we also use the craftman series. it works out pretty good. and its is cheap.

The SAME book/software at Craftsman book is $50+ Amazon it's $33. That's $17 you can spend on gas.
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