estimating residential

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New member
Just curious to see the different ways every body estimates residential, new construction. I like to assign a square foot price. My buddy assigns a price to each opening, then just adds up the openings. Let me know what has worked best for you. I generally go $3.00 to $3.25 a square foot depending on cath., cans, difficulty, etc.
Re: estimating residential

I do sq ft to minimum code. From there I charge accordingly for the extras. Recessed lights, ceiling fans, closet lights, phone, cable, etc. Contrary to others opinions this works quite well.
Re: estimating residential

I am truly glad you can get over $3.00 a square foot for residential! Here in Yuma, AZ, with such proximity to the Mexican border, Journeymen Electricians are lucky to get $14.00 an hour, houses go for $45.00-$52.00 a square foot, and I bid from $1.75-2.30 a square foot for electrical. At $2.30, I quite often lose the bid to others.
Re: estimating residential

I do it by opening, 30-35 each. Every switch, plug, light is an opening. Then we charge extra for cans, fans, 220 circuts. Then 750-900 for the service.
Re: estimating residential

When i was bidding i did it by device (opening basically but slightly dif )
single pole swiches one price
3 ways slightly more
4 ways bit more
fans prewire,
dryers ,ranges ,water heaters had base price plus footage charge.
You can not charge the same for a dryer 80 feet from panel as one 10 feet away.
service had base price 200 amp back up underground
then add if overhead or long seperated service.
Did this all with self written computer program.It inabled me to bid small homes in about 15 minutes and it printed contract with terms and exact price.
Re: estimating residential

With help of my son we took a basic math program and re designed it.
Amounted to going down the screen find item such as duplex receptacle ,save a price in it then at bid time just count them on print and type in quanity.It did the sub total and grandtotal automatically.Also could use more than 1 programed unit price depending on who contractor was or owner.2000 sq feet could be counted in 15 minutes and be accurate.Save copy in computer and print a hard backup for protection
Re: estimating residential

I use an Excel spreadsheet that my better half set up for me. it has all of the usual openings ( duplex, switch, 3way's, etc...) i just count up the openings on the print, put an erasable checkmark by each opening, plug the totals into the spreadsheet and i have a price. i have two other pages with the spreadsheet, one tracks job notes and the other tracks material purchases, labor hours, payouts, job profit/loss. it's pretty primitive but it does what i need.....
Re: estimating residential

Does anyone have a sample of a spreadsheet?

I am doing Low Voltage Controls and will be expanding into Residential later this yr.
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