It's not bad at all, for a small job like that I would propose T&M, with a GMP if they balk. If its a hard bid job, then figure it in OT and you pretty much cover the headache of getting in and out as long as you do it on straight time.
I do a lot of jail work and the hardest part is getting my guys cleared to work in a secure facility once that is done its pretty easy. The one big gotcha with jails is if any of your guys have warrants out there is a high probability they will get picked up while they are at the jail. The warrant will come up on the background check and they keep quiet about it until you send your guy out to do the work, were they are patiently waiting for them to come on in... It sounds funny but it's very embarrassing for you the EC, and it's a major headache.
Jails are easy, its a lot harder getting guys cleared to work at the airport than a jail. For airport work I figure double time, then add some money on top of that and hope they don't give me the work.