My boss or bosses think everything is in a book or training we aren't doing correctly. I tell him electrical is kinda like being a doctor, I wouldn't go to a urologist for brain surgery. Yes they are both technically doctors that not their training. Most electricians spend years bending 2" and 4" conduit making some work look like art work but couldn't wire a lightning ballast to save their life vs versa. It's not that they are bad electricians its just that's not what they learned. They guys on our crew are good electricians but we shouldn't be chasing every electrical job that comes along with some training. I have done all kinds of work because I wanted to learn different things. If I put my guys on new type of project we would do great but not make any money until we learned the process of the new project. Anyone else face these challenges in their career. I also try to explain we can go win all the work. Who's going to do it? We can't find competent person the job. Electricians Plumbiers HVac guys are in a tough spot from what I hear and it's not getting any better.