

New User
How is everyone estimating a new residential job?
Never really estimated besides it'll take a day or 2 days as a JW. But the opportunity has came that I could bounce and start doing my own work?

James L

Senior Member
Kansas Cty, Mo, USA
It kind of depends on who's building the house. Well, I should actually say it depends on what kind of house it is and who's paying you.

There are builders who simply want the lowest price. Many of them have an allowance for electrical, and they tell you how much you'll be paid. These scumbags usually want a price per square foot, and that's basically getting a code minimum job. They don't really care if it is actually code compliant, as long as you can make it past inspection

Volume builders who want a much better job will many times ask for an opening price, and that will cover about 90% of all the openings. Smoke detectors, ceiling fans, chandeliers, bathroom fans, etc are expected to have a higher opening price.

Custom builders will either ask for something like a volume builder opening price, a unit price, or time and material