Estmat 2000

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Chris V

Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the Estmat 2000 Software. I understand it is no longer supported by Software Shop Systems, however I was an avid user some years ago, and would like to resume with it.

If anyone has a suggestion for another similar program, I would love to hear from you. I have evaluated many programs on the market, but haven't found any yet that suit my needs.

Chris V


Senior Member
You sir, are in the same boat I found myself in also. I used Estmat, and loved it. Software Shop sold it out to some other company that now sells it as a part of a large package targeted towards industrial multinationals industry companies. I did the search once and found out who sells it now and under what name, but didn't bother to record any of the info I found out. There are many other choices.

Chris V

I have done a bit of research in Australia, but can't seem to find a package that even comes close to Estmat. Are there any over there you would suggest I take a look at?


I used the program in the mid 90's. They were very slow at going to windows. They said it was just a "fad". The program was okay but as to where to get one now you might create a search on ebay. Otherwise, why would you want to get software that is both outdated and not supported?


meant to mention that Software Shop Systems was purchased by Geac and now sells Pro-Est software for estimating. I have not heard anything either way on the software. I used to have their accounting package and it was burdensome.
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