European Wiring (multi-story commercial)

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Gary Brookshire

New member
I am looking for an english-version of any literature giving an overall description of common wiring systems in the european theatre. Specifically the Paris area, but generally France and Portugal. It needs to cover basic services (220/380Y), basic distribution, basic branch circuits. I need specific information on panelboard building and application. I need information on the various recommended wiring systems. Specific project is a 10,000 sq. ft. multi-room house (300 years old) to be used as meeting space and short-term living space (school). Building needs a complete remodel while conforming to original styling. Other projects include a school camp in Portugal. This camp includes dorms, small apartments, meeting rooms, auditoriums, etc.
Months too late, I stumble on your post. :oops:

For reference, here are nearly 400 pages with the information you asked for, written by a French company in English. It's from December 2005 and applies to continental Europe in general, but you will need to consider the rules of each individual country.

The link takes you to the index page, which links you to the rest of the chapters. I can no longer find the "download the complete document" link.

Please note that building codes are not covered by this document. These will specify height of switches, number of outlets and other types of information found the US NEC. Unlike the NEC, the convention in much of Europe is to drop old methods and types of equipment from code books and guides as they become obsolete in new installs.
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