Evaluating Bids

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Senior Member
I know there's different criteria for each company and timing plays into the decision but what are some of the factors you consider when deciding whether or not to bid a project?
As you've said there are many factors to consider but I think that from an owners perspective you first and foremost want to feel like you'll actually get paid. We had bid on a big job backed by a Chinese company that in the end my boss backed out of because of the pay structure. He said that he just had a bad feeling about actually getting money from this company located in China. I know of other contractors who are owed millions of dollars by GC's who dangle the carrot of the next big job to make you forget that they owe you a ton of money from the last one.
Depends on what type of project you want to bid. My field was mostly industrial variable speed drive projects and that's what we did. If it was commercial we wouldn't touch it unless there were exceptional circumstances.
How do you determine whether or not you'll get paid? Guess dealing with reputable, know quantity GC's that you also have a track record with.
I know there's different criteria for each company and timing plays into the decision but what are some of the factors you consider when deciding whether or not to bid a project?
Different answers for GC you've never worked for vs GC you have and still do work for.

GC you never have worked for:
1) How did you get my name?
2) Are you from out of town?
3) Do you have the job?
4) what is the schedule and how would that affect my man loading?
5) Has this job already bid?...this is a deal breaker here. They are shopping to keep the guy who's price they used honest, or screw him over completely. Am I furnishing all materials and quoted items like fixture, gear, etc?...another deal breaker. It's an all labor job that is high risk
6) If it hasn't bid, who specifically is my competition?
7) Can you provide me references of EC's you have worked with?
This is just a few things......GC's I work with, the questions are mostly schedule/man power related
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