exam prep load questions

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Two things that have been presented in class I'd like to get some confirmation on if possible:

1. If a calc includes an A/C load it doesn't tell you the actual motor size in the A/C. And motors in A/C's will usually not be the largest in a calc anyway, not as large as, say the disposal usually. So don't line-item 25% of the given load for an A/C as the largest motor.

2. Even an attic fan can be considered a fixed appliance and would qualify to be included for 4-or-more 75% derating.

[ November 17, 2005, 02:40 PM: Message edited by: TimWA ]
Re: exam prep load questions

I agree with number 2.

As for number 1, I am not sure. I have never included A/C loads into the "largest motor" consideration however, Example D1(b) appears to indicate otherwise.
Re: exam prep load questions

When you have an A/C load you use the full load amps of the unit which includes the compressor and fans.
Re: exam prep load questions

Yes Bryan, I see your reference to Example D1(b) in Annex D which certainly does seem to incorporate the A/C, and at full rating when selecting largest motor.

You are saying that's your accepted practice also Bob?

Sitting Administrator exam tomorrow (Sat.)

Must remember to consult those Annex D examples- straight from the horses mouth.

thanks a lot,

[ November 18, 2005, 02:49 AM: Message edited by: TimWA ]
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