I would say chapters 1-4.... All of Chapter 1 and all of Chapter 2 excluding Art. 280 & art. 285. In Chapter 3 Art. 300, 310, 312, 314 and then just familiarize yourself with the raceway articles in Chapter 3. The sections in each of the raceway and cable article are setup alike, for instance Art. 358.10 is uses permitted and 358.12 is uses not permitted for EMT. You will find that to be the same for all the cable and raceway articles in Chapter 3. Thus 334.10 (NM Cable) is uses permitted for NM and 334.12 is uses not permitted for NM.
I would say Chapter 4 biggest area of concern is art. 430 and art.440 however art. 400, 404,406, 408, 410. 422 and 424 are also important.
There can be a question on anything but Chapters 1-4 are the big areas especially art 220 for Calculations. Others may add to this