Example D3(a)

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North Dakota
Can anyone explain to me where "99,000VA" is calculated from on Example D3(a) just above the "Total VA"? Something seems wrong about it, but maybe it's me. I am looking in the 2017 & 2020 hand books.
It's a typo. The 2008 NEC version has a 7.5 HP compressor, rather than a 5 HP compressor, and so the subtotal on the line above was 99,000 VA. Sometime between 2008 and 2017 the compressor was changed to 5 HP, and the subtotal was updated, but the next line was not.

Cheers, Wayne
It's a typo. The 2008 NEC version has a 7.5 HP compressor, rather than a 5 HP compressor, and so the subtotal on the line above was 99,000 VA. Sometime between 2008 and 2017 the compressor was changed to 5 HP, and the subtotal was updated, but the next line was not.

Cheers, Wayne
Thank you!
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