Excel Junkies Revisited

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Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
Not sure you all remember the excel junkie thread I started a while back. Well I want to thank everyone for their help and you all should feel as a part of the 2014 Annex C Changes. I was too late to send it in for the 2014 code so I called NFPA and asked if they were interested in an addendum to the Annex C because there were some errors in the 2011 and previous and all the previous editions.

They asked me to send them what I had but I said they can use the same tables they had and just make a change in one section for the RHH wires etc. Anyway, I sent the entire spreadsheet and to my surprise the 2014 has the entire Annex C from the spreadsheet we worked on together.

Now if you are pulling 18 gauge type Kff-1 wire in 4"Emt you can go to Annex C and see that you can install 2269 conductors and still be within code. :D

Anyway thanks again- just wanted to share this with you
I think you should all exaggerate a little and put "I wrote the NEC" on your resume's :)

But seriously, I didn't help with that spreadsheet, but I think its really cool for everyone that was involved.
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