Exceptions to Installation of AFCI Protection.

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Master Electrician/designer
Is there any exceptions to 210.12 Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection section of the code?

I know exceptions do exist for GFCI protection.

Most of the GFCI exceptions are in outdoor conditions, such as snow melting equipment. AFCI is not (at this point) required outdoors. I can say in my area, AFCI for the laundry is optional. I'm not saying there are none and I don't have time to look just now, but I don't know of any unless locally amended.
It might help is you told us what code cycle you are on. The AFCI requirement has been ramped up each time a new book comes out so in editions previous to the 2020 there were exceptions.

What do you need an exception for? AFCIs have been in the NEC for 20 years, and most of the issues have been sorted out.
When AFCIs were first introduced, we had so many questions we set up a AFCI topic on the code forum (anyone remember that?) The moderator was someone from Cutler Hammer.
After awhile the questions went away and so did the topic.
Code Cycle is 2017.

Exceptions would be for equipment and luminaries that are critical to an production/living space (Dorm room), where an AFCI nuisance trip would put people in harms way.
When AFCIs were first introduced, we had so many questions we set up a AFCI topic on the code forum (anyone remember that?) The moderator was someone from Cutler Hammer.
After awhile the questions went away and so did the topic.

As well as the moderator. Aren't they still looking for him like they are looking for Jimmy Hoffa? ;)

Code Cycle is 2017.

Exceptions would be for equipment and luminaries that are critical to an production/living space (Dorm room), where an AFCI nuisance trip would put people in harms way.
What exactly puts people in harms way in your application?

Other than there is higher risk of nuisance trip, wouldn't any other failure cause same harm? If so then maybe some other sort of backup is needed for the application. Medical equipment, which is understandable can be very important, but such critical medical equipment often is battery powered anymore, the AC power supply is primarily utilized to charge the battery and there is no immediate danger if AC power is lost in most cases.
Wouldn't you want to know if there was a wiring issue that would cause a fire? 20 years ago there were a lot of comments that we don't want the smoke detectors on an AFCI, and the CMPs answer was its just as important to protect the smoke detector circuit as any other.
I don't recall seeing any comments on this forum for an exception on AFCIs.
However you can certainly make a public input for the 2023 NEC for such an exception you have until this fall to get it in. Or ask your AHJ for an exception.
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