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As a new estimator and given a set of drawings to bid for example a new C store. What are some items I should be closely looking at and any exclusions I should be providing with BID. SHoud I assume GC has already contacted POCO for exact power service entrance? I have experienced this many times. Trenching ? Should I expect GC to trenching or just bid as if EC will perform? Are we bidding crane for pole lights? Is there anything I should be asking GC to provide so I know exactly what I am bidding.
When I do estimates, I make sure I know exactly what is required for a particular project. Some of our customers supply some or all or most of the parts that we assemble. There is no way to price a job without knowing exactly what it is.

Then what we are proposing is clearly spelled out so there can be no confusion about who is doing what down the road.

If you include things someone else is doing, your bid will be high. If something is not covered by someone there will be something undone.
My first two calls are always to the utility and AHJ. I’m trying to find out responsibilities for primary conduit, permitting fees, any code amendments.

Check the responsibility matrix for fixtures and gear. Some C-stores the landlord will provide all site lighting, and sometimes even utilities to the building envelope.

Another common item I see is the fueling contractor might handle all canopy electrical, and the building EC will just provide the conduit stubs 10’ or so out of the building to be intercepted by others.

If the responsibility matrix lists GC as providing anything, that will always fall under the EC’s scope. The typical parties on a matrix are General Contractor, Landlord, Owner, Vendor. Vendors would be for specialty equipment and systems, usually Security systems on the electrical side. For equipment you might pull wire and the Vendor will connect. It should all be spelled out clearly in the bid documents.

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