Exhaust fans and fire control system insp

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Senior Member
dallas tx
We have a customer who has 18 exhaust fans located at the deck.
This is one bldg with 6 spaces. In each space there are switches for fans and in the bldgs fire system room the is a bypass system for these fans.
They are getting a fire inspection.
What are the requirements for the ex fans?
Sounds like you are describing a smoke control system which requires 15 air exchanges per hour, automatic operation under general alarm, manual operation capability by the fire dept, and air intake (makeup air) equal to the exhaust air. Normally a mechanical engineer will design such a system and that would be the best contact for any questions you may have. These systems are most common in buildings with atriums and in hazardous areas.
This system,,,the ex fans to tenant switches to automatic/ bypass fd control switching to relay to fire control system are existing , probably 5 yrs old or so.
From what ive read ,these are usually for hazerdous mat. or atriums.
I didnt see these spaces were hazerdous but if they are connected to fire control systems they must be in working order.
I call a friend in fire controls he says its usually an ac company that because the inspector will check dampers, not sure how we fit in this
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