Existing Load Calculation with Utility Bills

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Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Is there a way to calculate the load of an existing dwelling using historical data from electric bills? I thought that this was a permissible way to determine the existing load but I cannot seem to find the code reference. :unsure:
Does the bill have max demand data?
If not you should be able to call the utility to get the peak demand.
Methinks newer smart meters have capacities to output load demand values. You have to have demand meters to know your demand levels of the building. The demand load determines the minimum size of the service conductors needed.
Around here dwellings don't have demand meters, but nothing wrong with using 220.87 if you have the data.
How old are the meters? The newer electronic meters probably do, you just won’t know it.
I would think as cheap as the simplest electronic meters are now the low kWh capture would be worth the investment alone.
If it’s the older mechanical residential meters, then no.
That's the section I was looking for. I'm wondering if customers would have easy access to the data from a smart meter.
That's the section I was looking for. I'm wondering if customers would have easy access to the data from a smart meter.
Some actually display it. Ours and many others have a display that comes up “PD” during the regular scroll.
The smart meters that our utility uses have the ability to provide the 15 minute demand loads, but they do not have that turned on and do not plan to.
Because they offer optional time of day billing, they do have 15 minute kWH usage turned on and you can download the previous 45 days of usage in 15 minute blocks. However usage is not the same as demand and they cannot be used interchangeably.
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