existing panel grounding missing, except water pipe

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Senior Member
The existing panels im working with do not have a ground, what would be the easiest/code compliant way to install one? Cant use water
pipe. Maine disconnects/meters are 75' away and not easy to get to.
Are they supplied with metallic raceways, wireways or similar? Those are acceptable equipment grounding conductors.
The only proper way to ground these with a separate conductor is to route it with the existing conductors - if that can be done why not just replace the cable with proper cable?

Routing the EGC away from the other conductors results in higher impedance during a ground fault and slower response from overcurrent devices.
The only proper way to ground these with a separate conductor is to route it with the existing conductors - if that can be done why not just replace the cable with proper cable?

Routing the EGC away from the other conductors results in higher impedance during a ground fault and slower response from overcurrent devices.

I thought you could only do that for replacement receptacles, 250.130(C).
I thought you could only do that for replacement receptacles, 250.130(C).

Probably some truth there. I was merely pointing out if you were to add a ground you would want it routed with the feeder conductors for best performance. Without further looking I believe you can run external EGC in some cases but must route it with the circuit raceway/cable and usually are limited in length for this also.
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