exit sign

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New member
I work in a building ,since i dot have the life safety code the entrance have four doors do we have to put a exit sing in every one of them?


Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician

Welcome to the forum. This would be part of the building code that has been adopted in your area. It is possible that not every door will qualify as an emergency egress exit. You'll probably need to check with the building code official to find out if each door will require an exit sign.


Senior Member
Upper Jay, NY
kertys said:
I work in a building ,since i dot have the life safety code the entrance have four doors do we have to put a exit sing in every one of them?

Need more info: Single occupancy building, or multiple occupancy building? If multiple, do the different occupancies share the same egress? What are the numbers (occupant load) and distance to exit? Are exits at grade level? What is classification of building, and use? In other words, there's a lot involved in determing whether or not exit signs are required and whether they're required to be illuminated while the building is in use or at all times, etc., etc., etc. :)
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