expansion couplings required?

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Senior Member
When is it required in the NEC to install an expansion couping on a horizontal run of Schd #40 PVC conduit ? In other words what is the MIN length that it is required ? Also how about under a mobile /manufactured home where the conduit is used as feeder to the home?
Have you taken a look at Table 352.44? You will need to know the temperature change for the area in which it's installed.
No, I haven't yet. Basictly just want to know if one is required what is the MIN length the conduit has to be before one is installed.
You're allowed up to 1/4" of expansion and need to factor in the temperature change. For us that's about 100? F. That means we can go a little over 6' between fixed points without an expansion fitting.
No, I haven't yet. Basictly just want to know if one is required what is the MIN length the conduit has to be before one is installed.
You can't know the minimum length without knowing the temperature range that the raceway is exposed to. You need one where the calculated movement is 1/4" or more. Around here you can get that amount of length change in about 5' of conduit.
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