Expansion fittings

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1. Welcome to the forum.

2. Too much for me to look through:

Expansion joints (fittings)
300.7(B), 352.44,
355.44, 366.44,
368.244, 424.44(C),
424.99(C)(1), 426.20(E),
426.21(C), 426.22(D),
In AZ it would be one every 100'. And anything more than 20' also needs derating for heat but im sure the engineer took care of that...some where I have a handbook that has stats on expansion but you should be able to search for that.. I think its every 120' but we would do a bit more. and in the SW you can expect a ridiculous amount of condensate in the winter- with still fairly warm days and very cold nights, just something I always keep in mind.

that's a lot of weight- was it designed above roof joists?
Even for EMT?

I need to find that field handbook, but again- that would be the boss saying what he wants. im still trying to visualize a rooftop expansion joint, wouldn't it just look like a double block wall coming through the roof? ive seen slab expansion joints in slabs but those required going from emt/rmc to flex, not expansion joints...

maybe one of you fellahs has a set of A sheets with a engineers detail on these fittings/transitions. I could guess on each 10' piece but the total length is more important than the 3/16" expansion and cooling. I do know that 35 sticks is significant, that's why the fittings slide so much... hell I don't know. thanks to a gazillion solar start ups around here, they sure have revised a lot rules for everyone...

alright you engineers- put down the adult beverage and chime in!

p.s., it sure is obvious when a long raceway on a roof is expanding- when you see the dirt ring around the roof jacks about 4" away...which is why some guys cut the roof material and put it under the stands- slides a bit better...
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