expansion joints Sec.300-7(b)

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I am currently running 5 3/4in. conduits horizontally along the north wall of a tilt-up. I now need to 90 them onto the west wall. My question is does this code apply to this application? Is there an exception? My foreman has told me to just keep it pipe. Can I please get some clarification? thanks
300.7(B) requires expansion fitting for theral expansion and contraction.

Is this installation in an area with temperature differential that would cause thermal expansion and contraction?

Or are you concerned about the joints between the tilt up slabs?

No concern of heat,its just a warehouse. The question is with the corner and the expansion joints in the corners only. Its never been a question before, but I've been told that this code covers all tilt-up expansion corners and to just flex the four corners of a tilt-up. This is really just not making any sense.
anybody got any input on this topic. Conduit has been run, but would like clarification before I pull wire. Thanks :)
Expansion and contraction of conduit should be dealt with independant of the expansion and contraction of a concrete tilt up wall corner............think of it this way, the north&south walls will expand/contract east and west,the east&west walls will expand/contract north and south but they will act differently than an integral pour corner.A lot of stresses will occur at the corners of this type structure if the temps are extreme.I would ask the comtractor to look at the civil/architectural general specifications and see if it is covered there.

I would not look back ,I would install the expansion joint and get on with it.

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