explosion proof lights

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New member
A plant where I work has mounted dock lights by access doors on a primer oven, they are wanting to use them to look in the oven while is running.
There are fumes present in the oven that require everything inside to be exp proof, do these lights need to be explosion proof also even though they are not in the primer oven?
They are plugged into 120-volt recs. aprox 4' from the doors.
Any help would be app.
Thank you,
Ivan Housemyer, Forster Electrical Services


Re: explosion proof lights

500.5(A) How does plant classify area? Sounds like class 1 div 1. 500.5(1)FPN 1&2.Check on which atmospheric group applys, A,B,C or D.Possibly class 1 div 2 apply's.501.5(A)4 or 501.5 (B) 2. Check 501.11/501.12
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